Get Acktiv, Stay Active
The #1 fastest growing platform for you to experience the future of entertainment.
Download the app now, because the future begins here.
Download the app now, because the future begins here.


- No more extensive searching to find the best events, especially in locations unknown to you.
- Explore every event from all event organisers hosted by Acktiv within an adjustable radius around your location.
- Select your preferred event by clicking on the pinned events to reveal the event title.
- Get directions by clicking the direction icon.
- Click the popup flyer to take you to the event details screen where you can instantly purchase tickets.
- Post live updates and share your event experiences with your friends and connections.
- Make unlimited friends
- Follow your favourite event organisers to get post notifications of updates, for example when new events are created or any changes have been made.( no more emails to fill your inbox) and scroll their promotion media wall for live updates.
- Event organisers profiles can be easily identified as they are pinned with a medal.
- Get notified and view if event organisers live stream pre, during or post event.(IN-APP)
- Browse or search by date and location for your favourite events and purchase tickets instantly and seamlessly.
- Get full details of events.
- Receive notifications from event organisers hosting events near you.
- More than just your standard ticket.
- View and use your scannable ticket in-app. (email tickets will be available as well)
- Get directions to the even in one click.
- Start socialising in that particular event by switching on your GET SOCIAL button which makes you visible to other attendees in the same event. You can now request to connect with other attendees and make connections.
- Switch off at any time and you will no longer be displayed in the GET SOCIAL list of attendees for that event. (Each event has its individual switch).
- Or integration with stripe provides a smooth and secure checkout when purchasing tickets.

- No more paid ads or flyers needed with our social media experience for attendees.
- This feature has created a Targeted market of active attendees but still captures the dormant ones as we aim to have posts strictly event orientated where users’ posts indirectly promote the experience of your event.
- Our unique Feature is to provide safety and accountability to the event attendees.
- We enable event organisers to generate alerts if there is an emergency at your event, which makes the emergency services job much easier and can potentially save lives.
- Every bit of your event can be customised.
- Give your attendees an exquisite feel to your events by adding custom and attractive detailing.
- You can run hybrid events, segmented events, private events, classes, conferences and much more.
- We allow event creators to track their ticket-selling targets within the app and know how much they have earned in real time.
- Our integration with Stripe helps event organisers to receive their payments securely and safely via our efficient automated system.
- Managing and issuing refunds has never been easier.
- Our integration with stripe makes the refund experience seamless and fully automated.
- The social platform allows you to interact with users through our REFUNDS tab feature.
- The world is you oyster with the PROMOTION MEDIA for event organisers.
- Post past events so attendees can see examples of your event activities so it may incentivise interest, go live pre, during and after your event (all your followers will get notifications), you can get creative with this.
- Benefit from direct and visual advertising to a targeted market and everything promotion on social channels has to offer.
- Send push notifications to users within a 30 mile radius of your event on the day of the event to optimise ticket sales.
- Create special offers and discounts as an incentive to attract attendee's.
- We are introducing a few new ways away from the conventional means to generate additional income for organisers and attendees which will incentivise both parties to merge in efforts to execute epic and successful events of all types.
- Organisers will no longer be capped at ticket and merchandise sales and attendees will be able to acquire passive income.
- Create user name and password for your employees.
- Choose the ticket type they will be scanning for validation.
- Track how many tickets was sold and how many has been scanned in real time.
- Enjoy a seamless ticket validation service.
- When you create an organiser profile, your user profile gets created automatically.
- You can then switch between the two with the click of a button.
upcoming features
Create teams to manage events and tickets sales on behalf of event managers and track progress individually and as a team.
Streamie : a brand new and innovative income generating feature.
Earn with our Affiliate model
Book your seats virtually (Seated events booking)
Resell tickets to other users
Client Testimonial
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Jhon David

Acktiv is a brilliant idea for event organizers who want to capture their market online without any hassle. The app user experience seems great and I am waiting for it's upcoming more exciting features
Jhon David

Acktiv is a brilliant idea for event organizers who want to capture their market online without any hassle. The app user experience seems great and I am waiting for it's upcoming more exciting features
Jhon David
Acktiv is a brilliant idea for event organizers who want to capture their market online without any hassle. The app user experience seems great and I am waiting for it's upcoming more exciting features
Jhon David

Acktiv is a brilliant idea for event organizers who want to capture their market online without any hassle. The app user experience seems great and I am waiting for it's upcoming more exciting features
Jhon David

Acktiv is a brilliant idea for event organizers who want to capture their market online without any hassle. The app user experience seems great and I am waiting for it's upcoming more exciting features
Jhon David

Acktiv is a brilliant idea for event organizers who want to capture their market online without any hassle. The app user experience seems great and I am waiting for it's upcoming more exciting features
Jhon David

Acktiv is a brilliant idea for event organizers who want to capture their market online without any hassle. The app user experience seems great and I am waiting for it's upcoming more exciting features